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We have temporarily moved out of our Lowesmoor building whilst building works take place. For now we are meeting in two different locations. 1. Army Reserves Centre (104 Regt Royal Artillery on the map above) and 2. The Granary (which is the home of Hope Church). Both the Army Reserves Centre and The Granary are situated in St.Martin’s quarter which is just around the corner from our Lowesmoor building, so keep an eye out for our white LIFEHOUSE flag and the guys on the door to welcome you to church! For scheduled times and dates please sign up to our weekly news by clicking the button on the home page. 

isn’t always easy close to the church centre, although you might just find a space to park on Lowesmoor and surrounding streets where parking is free on a Sunday. We do advise the best and most convenient car park to be Tallow Hill. There is a charge of £1.80 for up to 3 hours and it is only a few minutes walk to the centre from there.

If you are a first time visitor to LIFEHOUSE there will be a couple of free spaces for you to use at the rear of the church (opposite Aldi), but please do not use the car park of dovetails furniture shop.

If you regularly attend the church we have an arrangement with a local car park, for which we will need to register your car registration number in order for you to use the car park without being fined. If you would like to make use of this arrangement please email or speak to Matt or Jo Town.