We believe prayer is as vital to our church body as breathing is to our physical body. Without breathing the life and Spirit of God into all that we do, our mission will be lifeless and empty. So, prayer is the breath of life to our church’s mission and ministry. There are a number of regular prayer gatherings, as well as focused months/weeks of prayer through the year. To keep abreast of all our prayer events, keep a close eye on our social media feed. We also have a growing movement of people who are committed to pray and intercede passionately and faithfully for all aspects of church, city and national life.
Regular rhythms of prayer – We are currently meeting together on zoom on Monday mornings during term time from 7am and every third Thursday, 7:30pm at the Granary. We also have an active WhatsApp group specifically for prayer. One of the highlights of our week is the pre-service prayer gathering at 10am every Sunday morning.
If you would like to get involved please email talktous@wearelifehouse.org