Who’s Who

Matt Town – Lead Pastor

Matt is married to Jo with three kids. He joined the team at LIFEHOUSE as a ‘minister in training’ in 2012 after completing a degree in theology and church leadership at RTC, Malvern. He now serves the church as lead pastor. Matt first trained as a youth worker serving churches across the UK in various ways whilst working for a family business in property maintenance. He loves lemon drizzle cake, family life, reading, converting camper vans, dog walking… Oh! and of course he likes coffee – but that goes without saying.

Church  Leadership Team

The Church Leadership Team is made up of our lead pastor Matt and our Elders; Trevor, Ben, Jo and Jerry and Carolyn who is our current Church Representative. The team are all members of the church family and play significant roles on our leadership team. Together we take the responsibility of church leadership seriously whilst considering it a real joy to serve Jesus in this way, helping people grow closer to him in their everyday lives of worship and witness to the world.

Trevor (Elder)

Ben (Elder)

Jo (Elder)

Jerry (Elder)

Carolyn (Church Rep)

Church Representatives

We have developed a leadership structure which facilitates wider input from the church into the leadership team which we have called ‘church representative.’ Every 6-12 months we will invite 1 or 2 people from within the church to join the CLT. They will participate fully in leadership discussion and decision making, bringing a wider church perspective to vision & strategy, cultural momentum and the spiritual life of the church. After their time on team comes to an end we will either ask those individuals to serve for another term or ask others to replace them.


Finance Team

Andrew is our finance officer, ably assisted by Chrissie. If you have any questions in relation to giving, including gift aid, please speak to him or email him using the following address – finance@wearelifehouse.org.

Network Leaders Team

The Network Leaders Team is made up of our Lead Pastor Matt, our pastoral/ministry assistant Jo, our ministry enabler Ali and our kids leader Esther . The team is responsible for the day to day management of the church including event and service planning, developing ministry teams and organising the church programme.



