Partnership Course

Partnership Spring 2016

If you are interested in making Lifehouse your church home and want to know how you can get connected and become more involved as well as getting to know what make us tick, then come along to our partnership course starting soon!


Celebrate Easter with us!

You are invited to come and celebrate Easter with us at LIFEHOUSE. We will be reflecting upon the incredible sacrifice of Jesus on Good Friday at 10.30am. Then we will be rejoicing in his outstanding resurrection on Easter Sunday at 10.30am.




Elim’s new general superintendent


imageThis month Chris Cartwright was elected as the next leader of the Elim movement starting from May this year. Join with us in praying for him as he takes up his new role at this exciting time.  Take a moment to read a little more about it here…

Sunday talks!

Russia, Chelyabinsk, January 7, 2015.  new black Apple iPhone 6 and headphones on the table, smartphone in part of the iPhone line. Developed by Apple inc.

We are having a few technical issues uploading the Sunday talks to the website. We’re working on it and hope to have all the talks from the beginning of January ready for you to listen to as soon as possible. Thanks for waiting!

Week of Prayer



The last week of January 2016 is our week of prayer here at Lifehouse. We have dedicated the whole month to prayer as we begin the new year with a sense of purpose and expectation for the months ahead. Why not join us through the week as we gather together for one hour each day to pray for our church community, our city and the world. For times, dates and location see the info graphic below.
