New teaching series – CONNECTED


Pastor Matt has started a new teaching series called CONNECTED. As we launch connect groups again this term we will be thinking about how we can strengthen our connection with God, each other and the world around us. Join us each Sunday to keep in the flow of what God is saying and doing in and through our church community.

Connect Group sign up month



This month (September 2018) is sign up month for our connect groups. This term we have a number of connect groups you can be a part of, either by serving on a team or simple getting involved in the group. Check out the info sheet coming very soon! The groups will start at the beginning of October and run through til December.

Pre-service Prayer



It is so important that we gather together as a church to pray, believing that prayer changes things. Our pre-service prayer is just one opportunity amongst many that we have to come together as a church expectant for God to move in our family and community. Come and join us at 10am to pray for our church before we gather together at 10:30am each week.

Worship & Testimonies

After such a great time together a couple of weeks ago sharing stories of what God is doing in our lives, we want to do it again! Come prepared this Sunday to encourage others with a testimony of how God is working in your life. Paul says, “rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn” We are thankful for the love and support of all those who are part of our church family so come with hearts full to bless each other this week #testimony #church #wearelifehouse #lifehousefamily #worship #elim


Easter Barista

Easter 2018 invite


‘Easter Barista’ – a community event for the whole family with activities for the kids including a bouncy castle, loads of free cake, tea and freshly ground coffee. The doors will be open from 10-2pm. We’re really looking forward to meeting you and your friends on this day.

Easter with Lifehouse

Easter invite 5 2018


Come and join us this Easter as we celebrate the life, death and resurrection of Jesus! We’re looking forward to a great weekend together starting on the Good Friday with a short reflective service with communion at 10:30am. On Easter Saturday we’re opening up our church to the community for ‘Easter Barista’ – a community event for the whole family with activities for the kids including a bouncy castle, loads of free cake, tea and freshly ground coffee. The doors will be open from 10-2pm. We’re really looking forward to meeting you and your friends on this day.  Resurrection Sunday will be a day of celebrating Jesus our risen King at our 10:30am morning service. You are warmly invited to join with us on any or every one of these days.

Alpha Film Series


Our alpha course is running this term from 28th February through to the 28th April. You are more than welcome to join us on Wednesday nights from 7:45pm at the church centre. Please let us know that you will be coming so that we can prepare some food for you. The sessions will finish at 9:15pm and will involve plenty relaxed and informal discussion around a number of topics related to faith, answering some of life’s big questions. For more information email or call the church office on 0190522234. NB. there will be no sessions on 4th/11th April over Easter.

Christmas 2017

Christmas is a wonderful time of year. This December promises to be one of the best as we get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus – the moment when God made his home among us over 2000 years ago. There are plenty opportunities for you to join with us this month at one of our services, take a look at the invitation below to see when you can come and be with us.




Alpha Film Series

IMG_8127In October we will be launching the Alpha Film Series here at LIFEHOUSE. This will be an opportunity of a lifetime to explore some of the most important questions in life. Why not bring a friend and join us for the Series (inc 10 weekly sessions from Tuesday 03rd October – Tuesday 12th Dec / 7:30-9pm) at the Church centre on Lowesmoor.